
Contemporary Raclette Recipe

Posted by Anwesha Manandhar on

Serves 4 | Prep: 30 min


  • 1½ to 2 pounds raclette cheese
  • 2 pounds boiled small new potatoes (kept warm in bowl or basket)
  • Meat options: sliced sausage, chicken breast, sliced beef, shrimp, scallops (plan about 8oz/227g of meat per person)
  • Vegetable options: asparagus, sliced zucchini, sliced portobello mushrooms, sliced peppers


  1. Boil potatoes, drain and set aside in basket or bowl to keep warm.
  2. Slice raw meat and vegetables and place on serving platters.
  3. Preheat raclette on high heat with grill side up.
  4. Lay meat and vegetables on grill top, cook on both sides until meat is cooked through and vegetables are tender-crisp. Adjust temperature accordingly while cooking.
  5. While meat and veg are cooking, slice raclette cheese (ideal thickness is 1/8”) and lay cheese in raclette dish covering entire dish bottom. Place dish under the grill; melting cheese until bubbling.
  6. When cooked, transfer meat and vegetables (along with potatoes) to your plate. se the scraper to slide melted cheese directly on top of grilled meat, vegetables, and potatoes. Enjoy and repeat!

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